PTC / BTC Condensing

Modine PTC / BTC Condensing

Effinity93® High Efficiency Gas Fired Unit Heater

Modine's new Effinity93 Blower units (model BTC) are the only high efficient gas-fired condensing unit heaters on the market today with a blower option! Built on the same successful platform as the Model PTC Propeller Unit Heaters, these models include the same great features with the application flexibility of a blower unit heater:


  • Three model sizes from 215,000 to 310,000 Btu/hr offer unmatched application flexibility to cover the most popular blower unit heater sizes.
  • Blower air flow performance matches similarly sized BTS units, with an Air Temperature Rise range of 40°F to 70°F available for all model sizes.
  • Proudly made in the USA at our Buena Vista, VA facility.

The Effinity93 (model PTC) from Modine is the most efficient gas-fired unit heater in North America.With ten models available - from 55,000 to 310,000 BTU/hr - all operating at 93% efficiency, the Effinity93 will dramatically lower energy costs through decreased gas/propane consumption. Each unit reduces CO2 output by roughly 13% versus comparable sized heaters.