White Rodgers
Among their line of available thermostats, White-Rodgers offers a complete line of Emerson Blue programmable, non-programmable and mechanical thermostats. Emerson Blue thermostats are available in four different display sizes: 12" Touchscreen, 6", 4" and 2 square-inch display. You can rest assured that all Emerson Blue Thermostats perform to +/- 1° temperature accuracy - this keeps the homeowner comfortable and optimizes the life and efficiency of the heating and cooling equipment.
White-Rodgers set an industry benchmark when it introduced the Blue touchscreen thermostat. And now, we are pleased to announce the Emerson™ Blue 2" thermostats with 2 square-inch blue displays. From gas valves, ignition controls, transformers and media air cleaners to humidifiers and UV lights, White-Rodgers is a name trusted by contractors for technology-advanced, user friendly products.
For a list of available thermostats please visit the White-Rodgers/Emerson website.